"Great improvisors are like priests. They are thinking only of their god."
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Greetings from Southern Indiana
We are half way through our family vacation and will be traveling onto Ohio tomorrow after spending over a week here in Indiana with Debbie's family. The visit has been good, and seemingly brought about some measure of spiritual healing for me that I cannot exactly explain. (Nothing happened really, just some nice times of solitude and inner exploration.) I also took the time to read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. It's the first Christian book that I have read in at least a year. I loved it. His journey is very similar to my own, while being completely different.
Just to let you know, I'm planning a complete reboot of my blog upon arrival in California in July. I also plan on utilizing it more than I have the last few months, especially since it will serve a greater purpose now to continue to communicate with my friends and family in Las Vegas.
Both Debbie and myself are yearning for a home. I used to desire the nomadic life, but doing this trip without anywhere to call home upon our return has made me realize that wandering isn't nearly as fun without somewhere in the world to return to upon the adventure's end.
Email me if you want...I'm a pilgrim, husband and father living in Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm an actor by trade. You can visit my actor's website at
www.joeboyd.net .
Apex ,a network of simple churches, is my spiritual tribe. I am currently working with
Saga Storytellers Association , and you can find me most nights working at
Tony n' Tina's Wedding at The Rio.
Top Five...
Most Influencial Books:
1. The Divine Conspiracy, D. Willard
2. Resident Aliens, Hauerwas/Willimon
3. The Politics of Jesus, J. H. Yoder
4. Missional Church, D. Guder, ed.
5. Anything by Henri Nouwen
Favorite Movies:
1. Waiting for Guffman/Best in Show
2. Fight Club
3. Moulin Rouge
4. Chicago
5. Elmer Gantry